Birthday Party Fibonacci Style!

This year K8 is turning 3, a Fibonacci number. So we’re having a Fibonacci Birthday Party!

Her birthday parties the previous two years have been non-math. And I’m fairly certain at some point she’ll want to choose her own birthday party theme. So this might be my last chance to do a Fibonacci birthday party.

Fibonacci Birthday Party Decorations

Spiral streamers, pinecones, whole pineapples and sunflowers will adorn the house.

We’ll have blue painter’s tape outlining the spiral on the tiles of the floor. And we’ll each wear a fun Fibonacci t-shirt!

Birthday Party Foods

We’ll have bananas, apples and pineapples as healthy snacks for the kids. And I’ll likely do an arrangement of Cheez-its glued down with peanut butter. Of course there’ll be plenty of free floating Cheez-its too!

For the grownups, we’ll have broccoli and cauliflower along with cucumbers.

If we serve a meal, we’ll do lasagna with Fibonacci rectangles outlined in spinach fettuccine  noodles!

Party Favors

I’ll buy a bunch of Fibonacci paperback children’s books, including Rabbits Rabbits Everywhere and Wild Fibonacci. I’ll print some fun stickers to put on them that read

And those will be the party favors!

Fibonacci Birthday Party Gimmicks

We’ll play some games, including Fibonacci Hopscotch (as suggested by @mathhombre). The adults can play, “What is My Fibonacci Number?” based on the popular party game, Who Am I?

And the best part – we’ll have live rabbits for the kids to pet!

What do you think?

Have you ever given a Fibonacci Birthday Party? or a math party? Do you have any other ideas to make this awesome?

Please share via twitter or in the comments!

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One Response to Birthday Party Fibonacci Style!

  1. I’m having a fibonacci birthday party tomorrow!


    I’m so excited! I hope it goes okay.

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