Tomorrow I attempt to finish my first marathon. There’s a 6 hour limit to finish, which makes me think about the math behind the marathon! Continue Reading →
Tomorrow I attempt to finish my first marathon. There’s a 6 hour limit to finish, which makes me think about the math behind the marathon! Continue Reading →
You can see math in really strange places. Here’s a list of 16 of them! Continue Reading →
Do you want your child to stay learning during the holidays? Instead of making them do homework, use math words in your conversations! Continue Reading →
Have you ever found money? What did you do with it? A couple of math teachers went to eat sushi and ended up saving a life! Continue Reading →
Check out the math in this strange and exciting furniture promotion based on the football championships! Continue Reading →
Describe the fractions happening in your Christmas tree. FREE Download to print, color, label and hang! Continue Reading →
Get in the holiday spirit with some yummy eggnog – and do some math at the same time! Continue Reading →
Did you know that by sharing a blog giveaway, you’re REDUCING your chances to win!? Sounds nuts – but there’s math behind it! Continue Reading →
A palindrome birthday is an age that reads the same forward as backwards. But you can also celebrate pseudo-palindromes too – like 35.3 and 54.5. Continue Reading →
Have you ever wondered why ordinal numbers are used for labeling things – like house numbers and boat numbers? Continue Reading →