Early Childhood Math Teaching Tips Roundup

I visited with a homeschool mom this weekend on Twitter. She was asking about stuff she can do in math with her 4 year old and 6 year old children. I suggested the MathRack as well as Math On The Level. I then sent her a bunch of links via email.

I thought it might be useful for others to have this information, so here it is, MathFourTicians:

One of the starting points for children is counting and subitizing. Here’s a handful of articles explaining what subitizing is and suggestions on teaching it.

Everyday do some Count 10 Read 10 activities. They only take ten minutes and you can even integrate them into your bedtime routine.

Check out some general tips on homeschooling math in this article: 9 1/2 Tips to Homeschool Math.

And make sure to join these yahoo groups:

And if you feel the need to follow all the rules, read this: How to Step Things Up in Math Teaching

Teaching math looks ominous from the outside, but it’s really all about following curiosity. If you’re not a math whiz yourself, even better. You and your child get to learn together. Check it out here: Are You Teaching Math Through Motivation or Inspiration?

And how about this set of seven freebies that Caroline at Maths Insider and I put together. You get one report a day for seven days!

And there’s always some way to see math in the world – read about it from a toddler’s point of view in Mom & Me Math: Milk Bones & Cheese (the first in the series). Get it on Kindle or on Nook.

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3 Responses to Early Childhood Math Teaching Tips Roundup

  1. Math for 4 – 6 year olds? Don’t forget Arithmetic Village. Sweet books that teach the four math functions. There are heaps of free activities! (Drama, art etc…)

  2. Good Day Bon. Your post was great. It was true that teaching math for kid’s seems little hard. But I have experienced myself it was much simple. At the beginning I too get confused and demotivated on teaching them. But I got some helpful teaching information from http://homeschoolthruhighschool.com/ and I am able to teach math without any confusions for my kid’s. Now I was in a great relief that the tutorials you mentioned in your post are a great help for me and I have learned more. Thanks for the post. Keep updating.

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