Using Snapchat for math learning. Will it work? Let’s start with some Pi Day snaps – download snapchat for your smartphone and follow me at MathFour! Continue Reading →
Using Snapchat for math learning. Will it work? Let’s start with some Pi Day snaps – download snapchat for your smartphone and follow me at MathFour! Continue Reading →
Watch a demo video and get a coupon promo code for $4 off Mathbreakers! Continue Reading →
Research shows that trying to memorize tricks is a bad idea. So what do you do instead? Read the book Nix the Tricks – and follow it! Continue Reading →
There’s a new Facebook group just for empowering parents to tackle math! Continue Reading →
Have you ever really LOOKED at your math book? Use these discussion questions to make the most of it! Continue Reading →
Are you frustrated with the sloppiness or disorganization of math homework? Here are some tips to help your students. Continue Reading →
Start your week with these math teaching articles and ideas from around the web! Continue Reading →
Have you used Pinterest? Have you used it for your math classes? Well, you can! Continue Reading →
With the popularity of Pinterest people are starting to create in-real-life Pinterest boards. So why not teachers? Continue Reading →
The Number Rings App for iPhone and iPad is simple – but its power to teach number sense is amazing. Continue Reading →