Teaching Math with Picture Books

In the middle of doing some research, I found an article by Marilyn Burns about math and reading. I kept digging and found this list of great picture books for teaching math. Wow!

Math Picture Books

You might have noticed I’ve started discussing picture books here on MathFour.com. With this list by Marilyn Burns, I’m looking forward to doing a lot more.

Here’s the list of math in picture books that I have discussed so far:

Do you have any favorite math picture books? Share the titles in the comments. And don’t forget to share this list on twitter!

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8 Responses to Teaching Math with Picture Books

  1. Speaking of Marilyn Burns, we’ve been reading The Greedy Triangle. A book that’s not math, but still has math in it and is fun is “Press Here” by Hevre Tullet. My son loved it and after a few readings made his own “book pages” with sticker dots that had some simple instructions I had to follow.

    • Putting those on my list now, Yelena! I have told myself that I can’t buy new books until I publish info about the ones I have. Guess I’ll be getting on my publishing stick!

      🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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