Math Picture Book: 1+1=5 And Other Unlikely Additions

This wonderful book caught my eye the other day in the bookstore: 1 + 1 = 5 And Other Unlikely Additions, by David LaRochelle.

How could I not buy it?

It’s colorful, fun and – the best part – unexpected!

Each page introduces a new way to look at 1 + 1.

This book enforces the concept of units and place value. Like this page where 1+1=110.

It also gives parents and teachers the opportunity to talk about things like creepy crawlies – and their differences. Here’s a page where we see some differences in ants and spiders:

And who could resist a discussion about shapes when you get to this one:

When I read it to K8, Husband was enthralled. Clearly there’s fun stuff for all ages in this one!

, share it on twitter and when you find you love it as much as we do, tell everyone in the comments!

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