Vote Now – Science Shows Math Too!

The 2012 STEMie Award competition is open to all schools and homeschools in the United States and is sponsored by McGraw-Hill. The deadline to enter has passed.

I work hard to convince you to see math around you – in even the most obscure things like lipstick, tattoos and cheese.

You may not have noticed that none of these, or any other articles I’ve written about the math you can find around us, contain science. At least not in the textbook sense.

But one of the fastest and easiest ways to see math around you is through science. So it’s kinda ridiculous that I haven’t really talked about it.

My Nephew is Learning Science

I received an e-mail from my dad today encouraging me to vote for my nephew’s school’s science program, SMORE. Turns out, they’re in competition to win a grant from McGraw-Hill, and 30% of their score comes from online voting for their video. (BTW, that’s math too!)

Knowing that he’ll be learning a lot of math when he’s learning the science, I’m supporting his school here, on

So check out this video and then go vote for it.

[someday the actual video will be here]

Don’t forget to vote and share this on twitter!

And remember to support your kids and schools in science – they’re doing math!

P.S. Of course, you can vote for another video instead – all the science projects have math in them – but it sure would be swell for the Redd School to win. #jussayin

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One Response to Vote Now – Science Shows Math Too!

  1. I agree math is all around us in science, and it’s a great thing to bring up when teaching science.

    Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday!

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