Finding Math in the Strangest Places

You can see math in really strange places. Here's a list of 16 of them!I’ve written a lot. Including 160 posts on my crazy “cutting my teeth” blog,, two dozen guest posts, and 530 posts on

But my favorites pieces all involve how math can be seen in weird and unusual ways.

Which prompted me to collect some of my fav’s. Which I thought I’d share, in case you’re as curious about it as I am.

  1. pickles
  2. toilet paper
  3. zombies
  4. Christmas trees
  5. lipstick
  6. potato chips
  7. crossing the street
  8. bedsheets and folding them
  9. tattoos
  10. drug dealing
  11. laundry
  12. hurting the ones you love
  13. social media
  14. marriage
  15. hearts and more hearts
  16. turkeys

How about you?

Where’s your favorite place to see math? Share a comment or link below, on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest!

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