Cartooning with Math

Cartooning with MathThe Cartooning with Math book showed up in my mailbox this morning (not surprisingly, since I ordered it a week ago, but still…)

I was so excited to play – and for good reason. I’m generally a terrible artist. So I welcome step-by-step instructions to draw fun things.

And how much more fun could you possibly get than cartooning with math!?

The drawings work!

I followed the instructions and did a pretty good job:

Cartooning with Math

Notice the numbers in this detail. From top to bottom – 8 (sideways), 1 (sideways), 0, 1, 7.

Cartooning with Numbers

The problems are fun.

He offers a word problem at the end of each of the drawings based on the numbers used in the drawings.

It’s only one, so it isn’t too much that it takes away from the drawing fun.

I want more!

The book gives you just enough drawings (a dozen or so) to get a feel for cartooning with math. It’s great for getting your kids to start creating drawings and word problems of their own.

It’s only $8.95, so if you have interest in math or the fine art of cartooning – get Cartooning with Math now. You’ll love it!

And don’t forget to share your drawings – link to them in the comments!




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2 Responses to Cartooning with Math

  1. Daughter and I have had so much fun with this book! We got it for amusement during a long plane ride and it paid for itself there. Unexpectedly, we pull it out on occasion in the evenings and work our way through just a single drawing at a time. Each drawing has related math questions with it and they spark interesting conversations. Our favorites were the fractions drawing and the moustache man with the number sequence problems. They are memorable because the drawings and math work ended up on our refrigerator for weeks afterward!

    • Hey! That’s how it ended up on my Amazon wish list – you told me about it!

      I never can remember how I learned of a book – I just grab stuff from my wish list to add to my order when I’m <$25 so I can get free shipping. Hmm... that's math, too, isn't it! Thanks for the recommendation!

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