Rush Hour Traffic Jam Game – Low & High Tech

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I wrote about the Rush Hour game before. It’s an awesome game with lots of logic and math going on.

That article was about the game and the math. This one is about a strategy I use to solve it and how I use both the low tech and the high tech versions to do it.

First, cheat.

Okay, not really. But kind of.

I start with the high tech game. Then I use the low tech version to see what the final solution must look like.

Here’s the start:

Rush Hour can be played both low and high tech - or both together!

I notice that the yellow truck needs to get out of the way. So I see where it can go.

Turns out there’s only one place it can end up, but the lavender truck is in the way:

Rush Hour can be played both low and high tech - or both together!When the lavender truck moves, it displaces the green car, which has to end up on the top:

Rush Hour can be played both low and high tech - or both together! Moving the light green car to the left:

Rush Hour can be played both low and high tech - or both together!

Now all that’s left is to scootch the pink car out of the way and we have the final solution:

Rush Hour can be played both low and high tech - or both together!

Second, work.

Now it’s time to work through how to get all the bits to those final resting places.

This is where you see that you have to move some of the other cars and trucks. For instance, one of the first moves is to move the blue truck – which didn’t need moving at all in the cheater solution.

Rush Hour can be played both low and high tech - or both together!

Third, work harder!

Celebrate your victory or try again to get it down to fewer moves.

That’s one of the challenges in the high tech version: it actually tracks your number of moves and lets you know if you could’ve done better.

If you stick with low tech Rush Hour, a victory is a victory!

Your turn…

Get the low tech version of Rush Hour or the high tech app version (or both!) and enjoy playing this game by yourself or with your kids!

Share this with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or good old fashioned telephone!

Disclaimer: ThinkFun gave me this game a couple of years ago because I begged them. But I did pay full price for the app.

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2 Responses to Rush Hour Traffic Jam Game – Low & High Tech

    • It IS nice to feel these things. I use my iPad, a fancy app and a stylus to take notes on some stuff. But on other stuff I still need to TOUCH the paper and pen.

      I wonder if the next generations will feel the same way we do.

      Thanks for stopping by, Heather!

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