Math in the 4th Grade Language Arts List

I’ve noted before how math shows up in course study lists like the Toddler Reading Readiness List. But in looking at other courses of study, I’m seeing math everywhere. So here’s another one!

This list is from the WorldBook site and is their Typical Course of Study for Grade Level 4, Language Arts section.

Silent and oral reading

Reading and comprehending information is essential in math, too. And later in math classes you’ll find reading something out loud happens a lot more that you think.

Listening skills

Wowsers! If you don’t listen carefully to a theorem or explanation of a proof, you could be super lost!

Telephone skills

Can you say “study group calling tree”?

Summarizing simple information

This is the basis of all word problem solving.

Listening to literature

Which is another skill when listening to a word problem. Better yet – listening to a “real world” word problem that is being told to you by someone who needs help.

Critical reading

Using definitions of math things along with theorems and “math rules” is critical reading. Critical reading means following all the logic. And logic is math.

Increasing dictionary skills

This is called “lexicographic ordering” and is huge in math. Especially when you try to order the points on the plane (or complex numbers).

Cursive handwriting

You write faster with cursive. When you’re doing math and needing to write out details, getting them out on paper fast helps keep your brain caught up with what’s going on.

Simple outlining

This is one of the important skills in constructing a proof.

Writing letters and informal notes

It’s all about formulas here. If you can plug and chug with the salutation, date, closing, etc., you’re golden on math formulas and functions!

And of course there’s math in stamps!

Written and oral book reports

Popular math books are great to read. And when you give a quick summary of them in a social setting, you look really cool. (Mot to mention if you end up being a mom blogger you’re likely to review some math books at some time in your life.)

Creative writing

There’s nothing more creative than writing a word problem!

Developing skills in locating information

You don’t really need to know the right formula – if you can find it!

Increasing indexing skills

Finding something in a math book index is huge when you’re trying to figure stuff out.

Developing encyclopedia skills

Again – great to have when looking up a math word or formula.

What you can do

There’s math everywhere – even 4th grade Language Arts! When helping your children with their LA – in homeschool or classroom school – remind them how these skills will also help them in math.

The more they hear that they’re doing math, the better they’ll be in their “official” math class.

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