Wordless Wednesday: An Example of Count 10 Read 10

In an attempt to join the Wordless Wednesday crowd, I’m sharing this photo. But as you can see, for MathFour.com, this is only a Somewhat Wordless Wednesday.

Before this photo we were discussing size of shirts – a numeracy concept that is visually displayed through the inability for grownups to fit 4T nightshirts on their bodies. Count 10 Read 10 is part of our family’s afterschooling routine.

Join us for a full discussion of how you, too, can improve numeracy for your entire family. It’s tonight, Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 8:30pm CST. Get the time for your location, as well as more details for it here.

Did you miss it?

Well it’s recorded! Use that link to watch and come back here to join the discussion.

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