Supporting Moebius Noodles – $5 per Comment on This Post!

A few days ago you might have read here about Moebius Noodles, a program being developed for early math learning to support parents and teachers.

It will be an online book and online community with activities that you can use, copy, change and share… all for FREE!

They are almost done with raising the development funds to make this possible – with only a little left to go. So here’s the deal…

I’ll donate $5 for every comment on this post telling me you donated too!

All you have to do is donate $1 (or more *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*) and let me know in the comments and then I’ll throw in $5*.

We can get there, y’all!

Moebius Noodles Fundraiser Badge

Wanna remember what it’s about? Watch this 2 minute video:

*P.S. I can only do this up to $100 – notice the lack of ads on the site? Well that translates to a lack of funds…

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10 Responses to Supporting Moebius Noodles – $5 per Comment on This Post!

  1. I’ll start it off….
    This is a wonderful idea and I’ve just made my donation. This is a way to help our kids learn math. Just another example of how the private sector can make a great contribution to education!

  2. I made my donation a few days ago and wanted to check the progress. What a generous offer of you to ramp up efforts to try to help them cross the finish line! I want to see the products that they produce; so, I hope it helps : )

  3. This is a great project which I am a true believer in. I have donated to the project via