Math Teaching Find of the Week: Marilyn Burns

There are so many programs out there to help kids learn math. But kidsĀ will learn math, naturally. Especially if they see it as an organic thing that is part of their world.

Just as we all are potty trained, we all do math. It just is. isn’t another “teach math” site. My mission is to help teachers and parentsĀ share math. I want to show the grown-ups that we can learn next to a child instead of teach on top of a child.

There are others who want this, too.

My friend Siggi at Turkey Doodles is an active voice on the Homeschool Math Chat. She keeps telling me about Marilyn Burns. I finally took a look this morning and watched the video embedded below.

I’m so moved, in particular, about this quote (around 1:10 in the video):

Teachers ask questions all the time, but we already know the answer and we’re hoping to hear it. I learned to ask questions where I was really interested in what the student was saying.

It seems Ms. Burns has a similar mission to mine. I’m so excited to learn about her and her company, Math Solutions.

I just wanted to share!

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