This is Day 31 of 31 Days of Math Learning Success – THE FINAL DAY! See all the days here and check out others that wrote for 31 days here.
I’ve never thought of acting as rocket science – you put on the costume, get your hair cut, and that’s it, really.
~Marc Warren
There’s only a handful of actors in “math world.” Depending on the show, they play different parts.
For instance, Ignatius P. Identity will play Zero in The Addition Show and One in The Multiplication Show.
In The Function Show, Ignatius plays .
And in The Matrix Show, he plays .
Depending on the episode, Ivey McInverse may play or
Or even , the soul mate of
Ivey McInverse only plays inverses.
They’re not Method Actors.
The “actors” in math are popular. You can’t see a show without spotting them.
The key is to figure out the actors and then watch the shows closely.
Every actor behaves the same way. Kind of like how Bruce Willis always acts like Bruce Willis.
There are some slight differences, sure. But overall Bruce Willis plays Bruce Willis. Just like Ignatius P. Identity always plays an identity element.
In other words, it’s all the same stuff.
If you learned anything in math, ever, you mostly know everything.
The challenge is figuring out how the new stuff is like the old stuff. Who from last night’s math show is playing whom in today’s math show.
And what parts of the story line are the same.
Math isn’t hard, it’s just detailed.
Like a great Quentin Tarantino movie, it’s deceptively simple. Or deceptively complex.
It’s funny, frightening and at times confusing.
But it’s worth the ride.
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