The Opportunity to Learn

This is part of the Five Minute Friday series.

The Opportunity to Learn


This week I take the opportunity to hand write a post for It’s part of Five Minute Friday – so I have to pen fast.

What is “opportunity” to a math learner? Well – it’s really what they should be given. Learners are often asked to “take” what instructors had them (or eat what we feed them). But if we, as teachers, parents & instructors would instead provide opportunities to learn – instead of forced algorithms – we might see more acceptance & even enjoyment in their math learning.

So when you share some math with your child or students – remember (and I’ll try too) that we’re giving them the opportunity to see the wonderful uses and enjoyment of math!

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2 Responses to The Opportunity to Learn

  1. Great post! I do believe there are opportunities every day to learn math … or anything! You should learn something new every day.

    Glad I found your site. I’ll tell my daughter, the high school math teacher, about it.

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