Where do you see math? In your jewelry? Take a peek – I’ll bet you have some! Continue Reading →
Where do you see math? In your jewelry? Take a peek – I’ll bet you have some! Continue Reading →
It’s hard to know some of the vocabulary for PreK, Kinder and other early childhood learners. “Counting On” threw me for quite some time! Continue Reading →
Use fun stuff like 100 Days to Christmas to practice your Hundreds Chart! Continue Reading →
One of the best math picture books I’ve seen for counting and subitizing. Continue Reading →
Babies do it, dogs do it. So why don’t we use logarithmic counting? Are we wrong? Continue Reading →
You wouldn’t think that a board book would have so much math in it – but it does! Continue Reading →
K8 talks about her experience of counting, addition and using tattoos to practice both. Continue Reading →
Preschool math readiness isn’t just in the “math” pieces. Here you can see it’s all over the reading readiness part too! Continue Reading →
This list of the typical course of study for preschoolers gets your kiddo ready to be successful in math later on! Continue Reading →
Seems we have more nativity sets than a family should – so why not do a little math with Jesus and the nativity crew? Continue Reading →