Links for Learning November 7, 2011

by jamalfanaian | | CC BY

Here’s another round of good stuff I’ve found online.

One reason we say you can’t divide by zero is because if you divide 0 by 0, you get anything you want. That’s what’s shown in this math cartoon.

David Wees always comes up with some fun stuff: How about some marshmallow math?

Here’s an article about teachers cheating on standardized tests. I’ve heard of this, but it seems to be getting really bad. Of course, if we continue down the road of these horrid tests, I don’t see why teachers wouldn’t do it.

Caroline over at Maths Insider has a guest article about creatively doing math with money!

Which language is best for learning math? I would say the native language of the student. These folks over in Borneo seem to think math should be learned in English.

And I ran into this thread on a forum about graphing and doing math with Halloween candy!

What are the links that you’ve found recently? Share them in the comments!

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