Under Construction: The New MathFour.com

MathFour is under construction - I'm working on getting it more focused on parents, and keeping calm during homework time.Yes, MathFour.com is different this week.

And it’s not pretty, I know.

But I’m working on it and it’ll soon be awesome. #fingerscrossed


I attended a three-day seminar last week. With the help of Kerry O’Shea Gorgone, I found strength to make a change.

I’ve been thinking that I need to talk to parents. But so many teachers read MathFour that I thought I wasn’t allowed to.

But I’m taking my own advice.


So now MathFour is finally becoming what it always wanted to be: an extension of my 1984 math-helpful self. I’m focusing on other parents like me. The same people I helped in high school and college.

I walked them through math classes, calming them along the way. And now I’m here to walk you through math homework. Calming you along the way.


So how different will MathFour really be?

I’ll still be all-math-all-the-time. I’ll still have free downloads. I’ll still talk about great ways to help students learn.

So it’ll still be a lot of the same stuff. But just a lot more of what Gen-X parents need while helping their kids at homework time.

And staying calm at homework time.

Bear with me…

There are weird fonts and strange random images all over. And I might miss something.

If you catch something I miss, please let me know. And if you want to reach out in support, please do.

I’ll be doing my best to avoid four letter words!

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