Getting Math on Shark Tank

Help us get #math on Shark Tank! It takes 2 minutes to vote.’ve been developing an online parent involvement site called That’s Math!

It’s up and running. And we have big plans for it!

Building a “Back End”

The plans are to build a teacher login section so teachers can:

  • Input and save all parent email addresses.
  • Send pre-written emails to parents based on the content they’ll be working on that week. These emails will link to That’s Math! content which is free for parents to view and comment on.
  • Print a record of that info to send to state agencies requiring reports of parental involvement (like for U.S. Title I funding).

We need help!

In order to build this, we’ll need some high end programming – much more than I can do. We’ll need “for real” marketing. And a sales team to make sure schools know about it.

And that means we’ll need funding.

Yes – we could do crowd-funding, traditional venture capitalists or love-money. But getting on the Shark Tank TV show could be the first step in marketing the idea of parent involvement activities!

Will you donate 2 minutes?

I timed it.

If you follow these instructions, it will take you two minutes to vote for That’s Math! on

1. Go to

2. Click on “Register” in the top right corner. (Don’t worry, you won’t have spam coming from this!)


3. Fill out the registration form – use a throw away email address. I’ve not gotten any emails from these people, yet. But no doubt they’re harvesting them for evil plans in the future (there’s no “don’t subscribe me” checkbox!).


4. Head back to the That’s Math! page to vote. Click on the “thumbs up” and you’re done!


Now tell others!

Okay, that’s not built into the 2 minutes. But if you can share this with your PLN, that would help. You can tweet, share or pin it.

And make sure you share your thoughts in the comments!

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