Have you seen the kid that isn’t getting the attention he needs at home? Wonder what’s going to become of him?
Well, the “it takes a village” concept isn’t far off. You might not be able to change his world, but sharing a little about math might help with one corner of it.
Share math in small bites.
Every time you see the child, pose a fun puzzle. It doesn’t have to be blatantly mathematical. Anything to get his logic working helps. I love the Childcraft Mathemagic book for puzzle ideas.
Ask her random math facts. Tell her you’ll give her something for each one she gets right – or each 10 she gets right in a row. Find out what’s important to her that you can’t get in trouble sharing. Like money, chocolate, baubles, etc.
Tell him that when you were growing up you wanted to be a mathematician. Ask him to find his favorite mathematician online. Find one yourself that you can discuss – I’m partial to Abel and Galois.
Be positive about math.
There might be many things wrong in a child’s life. Let math be the one that isn’t. Be positive. Help make math the thing a kid can hold on to.
Be the village because it takes a village. Share your stories in the comments!

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