Do you have any Pre-K and/or K12 kids in your family? I spend the day at Teacher Heaven on the Southwest Freeway in Houston, Texas yesterday and found some great math games!
I was there for the day to demonstrate math games and manipulatives and generally help parents and teachers of K12 kiddos with math goodies.
Meagan, Shantrelle and the crew had chosen a couple of math games to start me off. I also went and browsed the rest of the math section for others. By the end of the day, my table was jam-packed with math games!
I fell for the loss leader!
The big push at Teacher Heaven was the “fill-the-tub” sale – and I fell for it before I left. Hook, line and sinker!
I resisted too many goodies for myself, but made sure to do a little Christmas shopping. Here’re a few of my excellent finds. Luckily my family members a) don’t read this site much and b) don’t know that these things were originally shrink wrapped!
The Pre-K find of the day was inflatable number cubes!
I nabbed these number cubes early in the day to have something to get the little ones engaged as they walked in the door. They were so cool I couldn’t resist taking them home to Daughter.
They’ll be great for helping her identify the numeral and saying the word. Plus, I’ll be able to create a bunch of math games with it – like doing arithmetic with the numbers when she gets older, etc.
One K12 treasure was the Aba-Conundrums by Fat Brain Toys.
Aba-Conundrums comes with an abacus and a fun puzzle book. Using logic, you practice creating numbers and working with the tool.
I can’t decide if I’ll give it to one family member, keep it for myself or give it to Ma as a “house” game.
My other K12 find was the Check Math Game.
Also by Fat Brain Toys, Check Math is totally for my niece. I’ll likely open it and play it with Husband first, though!
You set the number pieces up and you capture your opponents pieces like checkers. The movement of pieces is a little different, though: a number piece can move to any square that’s a multiple of it. For example, the 2 can move to a 6 or 14. The 3 can move also to the 6 but not to the 14.
Time for Christmas shopping!
Pick up one of these math games at your local teacher supply store. And if you’re in Houston, head over to Teacher Heaven!
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