Happy Birthday Leonhard Euler – from the Houston Eulers Cookoff Team!

Google Celebrates with a Google Doodle - MathFour.com celebrates with a Houston Euler's Fight Song!Today, April 15, 2013, Google celebrates Leonhard Euler’s 306th birthday with a google doodle.

But I’m celebrating with a song and a memory.

Euler is pronounced “oiler,” which is what makes the Houston Oilers reference work.

The Houston Oilers Fight Song

The College of Natural Science and Mathematics hosted a chili cookoff when I was in grad school. My friends and I entered as the “Houston Eulers.”

Yes – total math nerds. But we were the cool kids.


We decorated with old-school Houston Oilers colors and made a looping tape of the Houston Oilers fight song.

And we sang it for four hours straight.

Here it is:

If you don’t see the audio player, click here to listen.

We didn’t win the cook off, but we did win the trophy for the most annoying.

Happy Birthday Leonhard Euler!

Leonhard Euler is a famous mathematician that did all sorts of crazy, innovative and awesome things in math.

Google Celebrates with a Google Doodle - MathFour.com celebrates with a Houston Euler's Fight Song!

In 1736, Euler solved the famous Bridges of Königsberg problem (roughly the same problem as the 5 Room House Problem). With this, he cranked up Graph Theory – a branch of mathematics that seems kinda cheesy until you dig into it. Then it’s pretty cool.

He’s also known for inventing that crazy f(x) notation for functions! (You know – the one Land’s End uses..)

So let’s celebrate!

I’m going to connect with my pals from grad school.

What about you? How will you celebrate Euler’s 306th birthday?

Share in the comments – and don’t forget to share on your favorite PLN too!

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3 Responses to Happy Birthday Leonhard Euler – from the Houston Eulers Cookoff Team!

  1. I was a proud member of the Houston Eulers. Our chili was really bad, but our pun was outstanding.

    I play bridge and one of our directors is Melody Euler !
    I teach math (rarely) and economics (often).

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