3 Words to Welcome 2016

For 2016, I'm committing to three words to keep the mission and me on track for success.Happy New Year, y’all!

I’m excited to start 2016. Not just because it’s new, but because for the first time, I’m doing the 3-word thing.

Word 1: Resist

So my first word is Resist.

And the first thing I’m resisting is jumping onto photoshop to create the word “resist” into a fabulous font/color/logo look. I’m even using a photo of my own drawing for this post – totally following the 80% rule!

I’ll resist turning on Law & Order. I’ll resist making duct-tape American Girl Doll dresses.

It’ll be hard. But I can resist following all those squirrels in sequined tutus.

My other two words depend on it.

Word 2: Focus

Once I’ve resisted all the shiny non-productive things in my world, I can focus.

I’ll focus on the things that are important: taking K8 to school and swinging outside with John Hunter.

I’ll focus on my health: my current diet (lost 11.5 pounds already) and running more.

I’ll focus on the mission to help parents calm the heck down during homework time.

Word 3: Conclude

I’m one of those starter people. I love to take on something new, but I never finish it.

So instead of finishing the things I’ve started, I’m committing to concluding them.

I’ll conclude my Rosetta Stone Spanish course: finish it or give it up and take it as a loss.

I’ll conclude my health goals: get to my goal weight and run the Marathon to Marathon, Texas.

I’ll conclude my website redesign: finish the last few things that are not the right colors, fonts, etc.

I’ll conclude the use of my online tools by figuring out what works and what doesn’t. And I’ll continue what works.

I’m even going to conclude my showers by hanging up my towel. (With luck my husband never reads this – it’s sure to give him a heart attack.)

How about you?

Are you doing resolutions, manifestos, one word, or three words? Or something else?

Share your 2016 excitement in the comments. And share this on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest!

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