This list of the typical course of study for preschoolers gets your kiddo ready to be successful in math later on! Continue Reading →
This list of the typical course of study for preschoolers gets your kiddo ready to be successful in math later on! Continue Reading →
Who needs formulas when you’ve got scissors and glue!? Continue Reading →
Many people don’t carpool these days because they have to bind children in expensive car seats until they’re 25 years old. If you consider the numbers, though, it just might be worth it to invest in another car seat! Continue Reading →
The order of operations is rife with rules created merely for convenience. When teaching these to kids, it’s clear how they see it as a stupid arbitrary rule. Because often it is! Continue Reading →
What’s the cause of low math performance? What’s the cause of high math performance? Math anxiety? Math avoidance? Well, now’s there’s someone to tell us! Continue Reading →
I learned about this memory/diary online journal called Memiary. What a great tool for student journaling as well as keeping up with your own accomplishments! Continue Reading →
A pseudo review of a book I’ve wanted for a while. You Can Count on Monsters by Richard Even Schwartz illustrates the numbers from 1 to 100 – with monsters and factorizations! Continue Reading →
If you hate math, good for you. Say it loud and proud: “I hate math!” I’ll no longer admonish anyone for it. Continue Reading →
A public declaration of principles and intentions of for the coming year. Continue Reading →
Short, cheesy poem incorporating the number of the upcoming year as well as some questions to ponder as you make your resolutions. Continue Reading →