Multiplication Facts – Sevens

I was working with a tutoring client yesterday and we were focusing on the multiplication facts with seven.

Instead of doing the basic chanting and quizzing, I decided to go a different route.

We looked at the patterns.

If you look at the last digit in the answers, you’ll see that every digit is represented:

We continued to play with the answers and watched for patterns for the first digits.

Then we looked at the multiplication facts from 11 through 20 using seven. The last digits on those followed the same pattern!

Does this help memorization of the multiplication facts?

Children feel the pressure of memorizing math facts. You can reduce this pressure by moving toward something more familiar or fun – like patterns.

My client will still have to perform well on the multiplication facts test. But hopefully the fun we had with them will stick with her through it.

How about you?

Do you play with numbers and math facts? Do you help your children see the fun?

Share your thoughts in the comments – and don’t forget to tweet it out too!

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