Increased Math Engagement? It’s Coming Soon!

by oddsock | Flickr | CC BY

Would you like to boost engagement in your kids during math lessons?

You can!

Would you like them to initiate the math lessons instead of dread them?

They will!

A 17 ½ week pilot program that will accomplish just this will start January 23.


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7 Responses to Increased Math Engagement? It’s Coming Soon!

  1. How can I sign my boys up for the 17 1/1 week pilot program?
    The oldest will be turning 8 shortly, and the little one 4. Are their age groups included in the program? Thanks.

  2. Alright, y’all.

    We’re still working on getting it launched by January 23 – at least a soft launch to MathFourTicians.

    Patricia, it’s for parents and it will be supportive of all ages. Ideally, parents of younger children (<= 10 or so) would benefit the most - but only because the older children might be less inclined to participate. Cath - we've deviated from the 17 1/2 week thing because we think people will want to self pace - not have it determined for them. It's almost here...

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