[50 Word Friday] A Vicious Cycle

“I hate math,” the girl said to her friends. They repeated it. Then they grew up.

“I hate math,” they all said to their kids. “I hate math,” the kids repeated to their teachers.

“NO YOU DON’T,” the teachers scolded. “It’s fun and you’ll do it!”

“No! We hate math.”

Learn more about 50 Word Friday here.

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2 Responses to [50 Word Friday] A Vicious Cycle

  1. Hi Bon, Your post prompted me to write a 50 word Friday response –

    Breaking the Vicious Cycle

    She hated math.
    I said, “We’re going to play math.”
    One hour later she said, “I can do this all day!”
    Next day she said, “I think I have underestimated my ability.”
    She told me, “You should be famous because you make math fun.”
    Best compliment ever. My heart smiled!

    • Thanks so much, Sue. That’s a wonderful one! So I felt compelled to respond with another heart smiling 50 Word Friday response.

      Changing the World

      I noticed that the world was full of math hatred. I was troubled. And I worked to change it.

      Until the beautiful Daughter was born one sunny September afternoon – my work took on new meaning.

      I can’t let her grow up in a world like this. Everything’s about to change!

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