The Declaration of Independence is Math!

Dates are math!

Today is the official day that Americans celebrate declaring independence.

But did you know that the The Declaration of Independence was actually accepted on July 2, 1776.

John Adams wrote: “The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America.”

Add two to that, Mr. Adams.

What happened?

When The Declaration of Independence was written out, it was dated July 4.

And the physical pen-to-paper signing of the Declaration of Independence didn’t start until August 2.

Even crazier, the last signature on the The Declaration of Independence wasn’t penned until after January 1777!

Where’s the math?

Check out the various questions you can ask about these dates:

  • What’s the difference in days between the acceptance of The Declaration of Independence and the date of the document?
  • What’s the difference in days between the acceptance and the first signature?
  • How about between the date of The Declaration of Independence and the last signature? (that’s an inequality!)

Happy Independence Day, y’all!

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