Elapsed Time Differentiated Worksheets

Teaching time to a differentiated classroom is hard - but this activity makes it much easier!I teach math to teens at a private special education school. My students are all at different levels – really different levels.

But when I prepared for teaching time, I didn’t realize just how different their levels really were.

So after reams of wasted paper on worksheets that didn’t work, I decided on a truly differentiated method.

Worksheets with Post-It Notes

I took a few basic supplies and created worksheets that I can change instantly. Using Post-It notes, I can create a worksheet for a student based on what they know.

If they are struggling with elapsed time in minutes and aren’t ready for more, then I can do that. If they are up for a serious challenge, that’s do-able too!



Cut the Post-It notes in half. Make sure to cut up and down, so both halves have sticky.

Stick them inside the blank folder and label them with times. I used a variety of times in 5 minute increments. When my students are ready, I’ll make another folder with times in 1 minute increments.

Teaching time to a differentiated classroom is hard - but this activity makes it much easier!

Print some of the free downloadable worksheets and choose the one appropriate for each student.

Use the sticky notes to create the worksheets on the fly. Give them to each child and see how they do.

And then teach!

If they nail it, give them something more challenging. If they’re hurting, give them something easier. If they struggle just a bit, then you’re on target – teach away.

I take a photo of their sheet to put in their Evernote portfolio. I also note in real-time how they did with each sheet. This lets me keep track of their progress and have sometime to refer to when it’s time for reporting.

Your turn…

Will this work in your classroom? Can you modify it to work better? Share your thoughts in the comments.

And don’t forget to share on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook!

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