Caroline Mukisa, publisher of Maths Insider, guests today! She talks about the benefits of having the math multiplication facts solidly in your mind as well as ways to help your kids get them there! Continue Reading →
Caroline Mukisa, publisher of Maths Insider, guests today! She talks about the benefits of having the math multiplication facts solidly in your mind as well as ways to help your kids get them there! Continue Reading →
Want your children to learn math facts but can’t stand flashcards? Try out the iPhone/iPad app MultiAlien for FREE this weekend! Continue Reading →
Last week’s article on the order of operations included a quick mention that division is the same as multiplication – but different. Now’s the time to explain that a bit. Continue Reading →
Next in the series explaining the order of operations is this discussion on the relation of exponents, addition and multiplication and how to remember the order of operations… the natural way! Continue Reading →
Grownups are often frustrated when faced with “they made this math rule just to make me mad” – because we secretly believe that it’s true! Where did these rules come from and how are we supposed to teach them? Continue Reading →
We continue the series explaining the order of operations with a discussion on parenthesis and all the various meanings of this word. You’ll be surprised as to what it can mean! Continue Reading →
Part 1 in the series. The order of operations is a set of rules – like the drivers’ handbook for math. If everyone follows the rules, we’ll all be safe. But if someone makes a bad turn, we could be looking at a crash. Continue Reading →
Adding evens and odds has the same pattern as multiplying positive and negatives. I rediscovered this while playing cribbage – and keeping my eyes peeled for patterns! Continue Reading →
The rule that non-calculator users must apply when doing arithmetic is the distributive property – a fundamental tool for doing algebra. Letting students use them too early will reduce their understanding of Algebra! Continue Reading →
Here is a great program to increase math fact retention. Complete with daily worksheets and audio tracks! Continue Reading →