Do the Common Core State Standards really tell you to teach 3 times 4 is 11? Or is there more to the hype? Continue Reading →
Do the Common Core State Standards really tell you to teach 3 times 4 is 11? Or is there more to the hype? Continue Reading →
The Common Core State Standards promote flexible and critical thinking. But the way they’re written make me want to play “check the boxes.” Continue Reading →
Were you horrified at The Children’s Place’s anti-math girls’ t-shirt? Maybe you should be, but not for the reason you think! Continue Reading →
Many people say they hate math – but they do it everyday. So why the negativity? Search in your own past to find where your path might have changed! Continue Reading →
What does it mean for people to be equal? And why are we using a math concept for people anyhow? Continue Reading →
Are you considering having your class do a blog? Here are some tips for before and during that math blogging journey! Continue Reading →
Which side of the Algorithm Battle in the Math Wars are you on? Do you teach algorithms? Avoid them? Continue Reading →
Can you “just say it” to your kids – about math? About anything? Here’s a challenge to help you be the adult you want your children to be. Join in! Continue Reading →
Requiring evaluations and offering extra credit for them will ensure the evaluations get done, right? But it’s unethical and skews the results! Continue Reading →
That’s Math! online parent involvement activities need capital from the sharks on Shark Tank to build the teacher back end. Will you help? Continue Reading →