I put this list together when I was teaching at the Art Institute of Houston back in 2002. It’s cool to see them again – and start to order them! Continue Reading →
I put this list together when I was teaching at the Art Institute of Houston back in 2002. It’s cool to see them again – and start to order them! Continue Reading →
A poem and a link about a classic picture book that has math! Continue Reading →
Here are some great math gifts for everyone on your list! Continue Reading →
Things are slow at MathFour these days – but amazing things are fixing to happen! This is a 50 Word poem by a stressed math mom… Continue Reading →
50 Words to introduce the official company – inspired by the need to create a physical space in which to work! Continue Reading →
New research by Stanford Medical’s Dr. Vinod Menon shows that children can develop math skills and cognition early and quickly – with differences shown in as little as one year! Here is a way to start math learning early. Continue Reading →