
Bon Crowder, math teaching expert and author of Guided Creativity for the Busy Thinker, leads adults to become an active part in boosting educational success!

Have a speech or workshop customized for your group, or choose from these:

For Teachers & Parents

  • “Everything You Do Impacts Them!” Helping parents understand how subtle negative “math speak” can have a huge impact on their child’s success in school and in life.
  • “Follow, Don’t Lead!” Skills for teachers, homeschoolers and parents to inspire and follow real curiosity that promotes real learning. (CPEs available)
  • “Math Teaching/Tutoring Techniques” A seminar for anyone who teach, tutors or coaches math. (CPEs available)
  • “What Else Can I Do With This?” Educator’s seminar for extending the life of math manipulatives. (CPEs available)
  • “Ten Myths of Teaching Math” Helping teachers and homescoolers make the distinction between everyday math and textbook math to keep children engaged and successful.
  • “Curiosity Learning and Competencies – You CAN Have Both!” In striving to leave no children behind, we could be leaving behind something worse – our children’s natural curiosity and inherent learning ability. In this hands-on session, learn tactics that you can use to meet and exceed state standards while allowing children to be who they are – natural learning machines!

For Students

  • “It’s Your Education!” A seminar empowering children to discover their own learning style and request teaching based on their needs.

Contact Bon via email at Bon at MathFour dot com to find out how she can inspire your group!

*Bon Crowder is registered with the State of Texas as a CPE provider. (See page 7 of this document.)

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