Problem Based Learning Resources

This is the second in a series on Problem Based Learning.
Did you see this "short list" of resources for Problem Based Learning? #PrBL #PBLChat #mathchat

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

But where do you begin?

And that’s what creating this Problem Based Learning Finite Math class feels like. There are 17 million entry ways into this.

Find one book and stick with it.

The voice of my housemate in grad school is haunting me: “Quit trying to use every book in the library. Find one book and stick with it!”

He’s right. Even in today’s online over-googled world.

I’ve found various sources and I’ve decided on one source for my course content creation: Samford University’s Problem Based Learning Archives (which as of Jan 28, 2016 seems to have been deleted #bummer).

I need support too!

Since I don’t interact face to face with anyone that does this, I’m going to use some resources online for support.

First is the #pblchat twitter chat on Tuesdays at 7pm CST. They normally talk about Project Based Learning, but it’s good stuff for the Problem Based Learning people, too.

I’ll also follow the #PrBL hashtag on Twitter – it’s specific for Problem Based Learning.

For comfort and solidarity, I’ll read Emergent Math’s Blog – he’s got lots on math PrBL. And my super hero in this, Chris Fancher, has a PBL blog that I’ll be stalking too!

How about you?

Do you do Problem Based Learning? Or even Project Based Learning? What resources do you use?

Share them in the comments – and with your PLN on twitter!

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2 Responses to Problem Based Learning Resources

  1. Hi. Do you have the new link for Samford University’s PBLs? It’s no longer active and searching their site didn’t turn it up.
    Thank you, Maria

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