Guest Articles

Would you like to write a guest article on How about have Bon, K8 or Wil write something for your site?

Request an Article

If you want one of the writers to submit a guest article to your site, please let us know via our contact page. Check out some of the articles we’ve written below.


Here are our guidelines for submitting an article: Guest posts add value for the MathFourTicians (the readers of You are welcome to submit a guest post. If you feel more comfortable submitting the idea first and writing the post after we visit, that works as well. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the style. Browse around. If you feel your writing and ideas are a match, check out the following guidelines. These are essential for getting your post published.

  1. Your post or article must be your own original work.
  2. The post must fit with the overall feel of this site. It should be research based, curiosity based or helpful to homeschoolers, parents and/or teachers. It should involve math in some way.
  3. It should be written with “scannability.” No more than 3 sentences per paragraph, a variation of short to medium length sentences and reasonable headings (h3) to break up the text.
  4. If you have images for the article, please include them as properly sized attachments. They should be no more than 575px wide for centered stand-alone images and no more than 300px wide for parenthetical images.
  5. You should edit your submission for correct spelling and grammar. I reserve the right to edit and don’t want to have to do so a lot.
  6. Affiliate links within your article are not allowed. Links to within content on are encouraged.
  7. Include a bio that is 10-25 words with a link to your own blog or website. One or two parenthetical links to articles on your site is fine, provided they add value to the article.
  8. Include an image of yourself as a 100px x 100px, if you wish. Please provide the image as an attachment, not as a link to an image hosted elsewhere.
  9. I will accept your article within an email or as a text document attachment. I appreciate already formatted html using the style of (we use h3 tags for subheadings).

I will notify you of receipt of your article within a week. If you submit an idea, I’ll get back to you sooner than that. If there are any editorial or revision issues, I will let you know and we can discuss how to proceed. Send proposals and completed articles to bon at MathFour dot com. I’ll let you know when your article will be posted so you can promote it. If you promote via Twitter, let me know and I’ll look out for your tweets to RT them. If you promote on a Facebook Fan Page, I’ll make sure to Like it and link to it on my Facebook Fan Page.

As Seen On…

Bon Crowder has written about math on these sites:

Bon Crowder is a regular contributor to The Homeschool Post.

Bon Crowder writes occasional articles for Leaving Work Behind:

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