You Can Take the Girl Out of Math… but You Can’t Take the Math Out of the Girl

MathFour Math Teacher Data ScientistI still teach.

A bit.

But not a lot. And I’m no longer full time in the professional math education circuit.

I’ve thought about starting a whole new blog for my new career in data science. But data science is just a fancy term for statistics with computers.

So even though math teaching isn’t my main focus, I’m going to roll on with math stuff and data science stuff here at

No doubt math education will be ingrained in each post. Especially since I’m mom to two math learners.

I hope you’ll stick with me on this journey.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments or tweet them out to me.


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2 Responses to You Can Take the Girl Out of Math… but You Can’t Take the Math Out of the Girl

  1. Applying math to the real world, especially our jobs, is something that’s both unavoidable and quite beneficial. Look forward to reading about how you apply the math you’ve learned, used, and taught to your new field!

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