![Graphing Gone Groovy [Conference Notes]](http://mathfour.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/MathFourGroovyGraphsConferenceNotesESC4.jpg)
Do you struggle getting students to graph? Here are the conference notes on a talk about doing just that! Continue Reading →
Do you struggle getting students to graph? Here are the conference notes on a talk about doing just that! Continue Reading →
Do you have a Lite-Brite? Ready to use it to teach math? Continue Reading →
Do you have a tile floor in your house? Use some common items and turn it into a coordinate plane! Continue Reading →
How to make Cuisenaire Rod Art a learning experience in both graphing and mathematics – like researchers do! Continue Reading →
This is the first in the Cuisenaire Rods series. Video showing how to engage kids in learning coordinate pairs by tapping into their creativity. Continue Reading →