Do You Want Better Math Learning Content?

Are you a reader of Take the survey to help me improve the content.Do you know those companies that provide services for years and never ask their customers what they really want? Or even try to find out who the customer really is?

Well, that’s me. *blush*

Which is just strange because I make a point to know the names of all my classroom students. And, if I can, a little about their backgrounds, too!

It’s time to change that.

I want to provide you with the content you need. So I’ve put together this short survey to gather just a bit of information – just enough to start improving what I share on

Will you take this short 5 question survey? It should take less than 2.5 minutes. It will help me give you what you need.

Thanks so much!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

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