Kids can’t tell the difference between five words and five syllables. So now’s a perfect time to start teaching all words – even “big” math words. Continue Reading →
Kids can’t tell the difference between five words and five syllables. So now’s a perfect time to start teaching all words – even “big” math words. Continue Reading →
The Lands’ End f(x) Collection seems to be based on functionality – but what message does the branding send? Continue Reading →
Have you seen this extreme sport? If so, you’ve seen tons of math in action! Continue Reading →
Spirals in sea shells have a fun and curious math behind them. But this is just a nice photo to enjoy! Continue Reading →
Do you make sure to prepare your math lessons well? Maybe you shouldn’t. Check out how time zone math can be more challenging than you might think. Continue Reading →
Meet the three newest additions to my household. They’re cute, they’re cuddly, and they’re math! Continue Reading →
My nephew’s school is involved in a science competition – which reminds me that science is a great way to show where math is used! Continue Reading →
You know. There’s math in pouring your driveway too! Check out this amazing use of angles in a bull float. Continue Reading →
Did you do math this weekend? I needed to because we got a new (tiny) pool. Continue Reading →
Did you know that there’s math in lipstick? It’s the same math that’s in toys and just about anything else you buy! Continue Reading →