We learn to factor polynomials so we can solve for x. But some things aren’t so easy to factor (most things?). And some things are just down right a pain in the bottom. Here’s a way to never have to do it again! Continue Reading →
We learn to factor polynomials so we can solve for x. But some things aren’t so easy to factor (most things?). And some things are just down right a pain in the bottom. Here’s a way to never have to do it again! Continue Reading →
The Distributive Property isn’t just an Algebra thing. You can use it for regular numbers. And the more you practice with regular numbers, the better you’ll be in the Algebra! Continue Reading →
One of the common errors in algebra is canceling bits in fractions that can’t be canceled. To remember the rule, though, you don’t have to memorize anything. You only have to think of a plain arithmetic problem to compare it. Continue Reading →
Do you learn to “borrow” when you subtract? How about reverse adding? Some schools have gone to this new method and gotten rid of the borrowing concept. Here’s how it works. Continue Reading →
If you’re asked to find the nth number in a pattern, do you know what nth means? Here’s where to start and what to do with all those n’s! Continue Reading →
We use conjugates in the manipulation of imaginary and complex numbers. So it’s important to understand what a conjugate is and how it works. I explain both here. Continue Reading →
Completing the square isn’t as hard as everyone thinks. And there’s no reason to memorize a bunch of strange pixie dust magic math rules. Here’s the way to see it for what it is. Continue Reading →
I was at the Houston Museum of Natural Science last Saturday at the Real Pirates exhibit. Here’s the fun math thing I learned about cannon. Continue Reading →
Do you ever wonder why teachers start a problem the way they do? Here’s a good way to remain consistant. This is how I’ll do it on this site. Continue Reading →