Elizabeth tweeted this article by David H. Albert about teaching all k-12 math in 8 weeks. And indeed – it can be done! Continue Reading →
Elizabeth tweeted this article by David H. Albert about teaching all k-12 math in 8 weeks. And indeed – it can be done! Continue Reading →
Subitizing is a way of instantly counting. Here are some resources to learn more about both perceptual subitizing and conceptual subitizing. As well as a couple of questions… Continue Reading →
The rule that non-calculator users must apply when doing arithmetic is the distributive property – a fundamental tool for doing algebra. Letting students use them too early will reduce their understanding of Algebra! Continue Reading →
Is your child a top-down learner? Many children are and it goes unrecognized. This can frustrate the child, the parent and the teacher. Here’s how to tell if he/she is – and how you can help. Continue Reading →
Using Discovery Toys’ Think-It-Through tiles you can train the brain for the Transitive Property. Continue Reading →
You might not be a nurturer, but you can still be part of the village it takes to raise a child. You can help with math! Continue Reading →
The five phases of learning math are: exposure, activity, settling, re-engagement and application. Hit on this cycle more than once to improve learning. Continue Reading →
I’ve avoided teaching word problems for years. I never really knew why – until now. A word problem is only important if you’re emotionally attached to it! Continue Reading →
Video by Sean O’Neil showing four philosophies of teaching math and then the 5th and most important one – the combination of the four! Continue Reading →
There’s only one right answer to this question. And yet we all try to give other answers. Sometimes our answers drive away kids from math. Continue Reading →