Have you ever thought of fractions while doing laundry? There are some interesting (and enlightening) similarities! Continue Reading →
Have you ever thought of fractions while doing laundry? There are some interesting (and enlightening) similarities! Continue Reading →
There’s math everywhere. Including processing a deer and making sausage! Continue Reading →
Christine asked me via twitter for some resources for Cuisenaire rods and teaching fractions. Of course I can’t pass the opportunity up to do some fun things with my rods! Continue Reading →
Here’s how to understand and explain some of the top confusing terms in mathematics – pain free. Continue Reading →
I previously posted about prime factors and about using them in multiplication. Now we’ve got fractions to handle. Before we get in too deep, first let me note the main reason why we do this with arithmetic. In algebra, students will be asked to take a rational expression, factor it and reduce it like this:… Continue Reading →