Download this handy prime factorization graphic organizer to help your students! Continue Reading →
Download this handy prime factorization graphic organizer to help your students! Continue Reading →
The Number 2015 has many variations. Here’s some fun New Year predictions based on those! Continue Reading →
Percents are an important math concept. And finding 20% of a rectangle isn’t a trivial endeavor if you’re on Facebook! Continue Reading →
A pseudo review of a book I’ve wanted for a while. You Can Count on Monsters by Richard Even Schwartz illustrates the numbers from 1 to 100 – with monsters and factorizations! Continue Reading →
I previously posted about prime factors and about using them in multiplication. Now we’ve got fractions to handle. Before we get in too deep, first let me note the main reason why we do this with arithmetic. In algebra, students will be asked to take a rational expression, factor it and reduce it like this:… Continue Reading →
Alright, you might not win friends with this, but the more you can do arithmetic in your head… well… okay, you can’t influence people with it either. Regardless, it’s handy to know and helps with multiplication. Yesterday I posted a couple of videos about factoring numbers into primes. Now it’s time to put those to work.… Continue Reading →
Factoring is traditionally considered an “f-word” for students of math. But it really has its good sides. First, here’s two ways to do it with regular numbers. Continue Reading →