Have you heard of a fact family? Does it make you think of the math mob? Or the truth police? Here’s what it is, really. Continue Reading →
Have you heard of a fact family? Does it make you think of the math mob? Or the truth police? Here’s what it is, really. Continue Reading →
Here are some variations on the number 4. Some are nice, some are a little freaky. Continue Reading →
Have you seen these variations on the number 3? There’re also a few facts about three! Continue Reading →
Here are some variations on the number 2, as well as a few facts. Continue Reading →
Caroline Mukisa, publisher of Maths Insider, guests today! She talks about the benefits of having the math multiplication facts solidly in your mind as well as ways to help your kids get them there! Continue Reading →
The co-host of #HSMath, Beth McKeon of Bright Brain Studio, shares some tips on integrating kinesthetic techniques and a see-say-feel approach to learning math facts. Alas, she’s still working on the Scratch-n-Sniff version… Continue Reading →
Here is a great program to increase math fact retention. Complete with daily worksheets and audio tracks! Continue Reading →