Introduce your children (and yourself) to the commutative and associative properties by starting with some fun toys. Get crazy and get weird! Continue Reading →
Introduce your children (and yourself) to the commutative and associative properties by starting with some fun toys. Get crazy and get weird! Continue Reading →
This is one of my favorite (and first) math “tutoring” stories. It has a great ending, for me. The biggest fraction of the pizza came my way! Continue Reading →
This is the first in the Cuisenaire Rods series. Video showing how to engage kids in learning coordinate pairs by tapping into their creativity. Continue Reading →
Check out this way to see how union and intersection work – using SnackTraps and blocks. Also, how the empty set works with them! Continue Reading →
Sets are intuitive – you have a basket and you put stuff in it. But what about the empty basket? How do you write it? And why is that important how you write it? Here’s a hands on example of the empty sets in your kitchen. Continue Reading →
Math concepts are everywhere. Identifying them when you see them can make teaching math a breeze. Here’s one place to find some math concepts: at the dinner table! Continue Reading →
We know that if you start counting at one object the number of thing is the same as if you start with something different – but kids don’t. Here are some thoughts on counting that can put you in a different mindset when dealing with children and counting. Continue Reading →
Balances are normally used for science stuff. Here’s how to teach subtraction using a balance. Continue Reading →
Ordinal numbers are “1st, 2nd, 3rd, …” but we need these to count items to arrived at the final cardinal numbers. All this fancy math talk – why not make it fun with some colorful bugs! Continue Reading →
Using Discovery Toys’ Think-It-Through tiles you can train the brain for the Transitive Property. Continue Reading →