Do you remember the TI Little Professor? Take a look at a working one! Continue Reading →
Do you remember the TI Little Professor? Take a look at a working one! Continue Reading →
The Number Rings App for iPhone and iPad is simple – but its power to teach number sense is amazing. Continue Reading →
There’s one calculator that just might save the fate of all others! Continue Reading →
Lack of thinking caused a local McDonalds to lose me as a customer. Because there was “no button for that.” Continue Reading →
As a vehement opponent of calculators, this article is as surprising to me as it might be to anyone! Here’s how to use technology and calculators to encourage discovery and creativity in math! Continue Reading →
My trip to the H-E-B pharmacy yielded a pleasant surprise of finding the clerk to be a gen-Y math success! Continue Reading →
Mom of 6 and 9 year old daughters, Jennifer Wilson is a high school super-tech math teacher. Here she shares her thoughts on math in parenting. Continue Reading →
The rule that non-calculator users must apply when doing arithmetic is the distributive property – a fundamental tool for doing algebra. Letting students use them too early will reduce their understanding of Algebra! Continue Reading →
It is not necessary that math be learned “in context.” Kids can learn math facts using flashcards and still have fun. And still learn lots! Continue Reading →
When we teach kids how to drive, we give them a few months in the classroom so they can learn the basics of driving and the rules of the road. Nobody in their right mind puts a teenager behind the wheel and says, while flying down the road, “Now, the brake pedal is the one… Continue Reading →