
Categorized and listed in no particular order, these are resources that contribute to the mission and vision of Furthermore, they add to the fuel of the math revolution.

Parents/Teaching and Math Stuff

Maths Insider – Math homeschooling mom with four kids. Great resources and information. She’s got a list of Cool Math Careers (with a few more here), too!

Math for Grown Ups – helping grownups with math and math anxiety. She’s got a series called Math at Work Mondays that show lots of careers that use math

Homeschool Math – A great resource and full of many other resources. The woman who publishes this static site also has a dynamic site (blog) too. You can find that here. And the craziest longest most amazing list of resources is from this site. Those are here. – I mostly go to this forum, but there are static resources here as well.

21st Century Educator – Math dude and parent, David Wees. He always has something great to say.

Natural Math – Learning math from an experiential point of view. I know the owner and publisher of this site – amazing homeschooler!

The Homeschool Page of – Another collection of resources. has all sorts of cool stuff in addition to the homeschool resources.

Living Math – Great source of books and things for experiential math. They also have a forum (of which I’m a member). Good people. – full of stuff for math learning, teaching and understanding math learning differences.

Math Is Not a Four Letter Word – My site – of course I’m going to recommend it! 😀

Homeschool Heart and Mind Math Curriculum Review and Link-up – a whole host of math curriculum reviews and then a list of links to other homeschool blogs with their math curriculum reviews!

Just Math Stuff

Math For Love – Math and more math. All with the point of view of math for love.

Republic of Math – This is a great math source but it gets pretty deep. Don’t let you or your kids feel intimidated. Just enjoy it.

The Math Dude – Very fun podcast – short and to the point

Math Logic & Math Problems – a whole host of links for just logic type goodies (thanks to Sarah over at for submitting this find that her student found!)

Glossaries & Dictionaries

Make sure to look terms up in multiple places to compare and contrast the definitions. Some definitions explain it better than others, but comparing them always helps increase understanding.

Wolfram Alpha – this will calculate too, but it’s great for finding math definitions

Purple Math – use the search box to find definitions

A Maths Dictionary for Kids – colorful and interactive. Perfect for students or teachers!

Fun Math Stuff

Math Songs on Sing About Science & Math – tons of professionally made stuff as well as homemade stuff. Includes the song by Sidney & Dale written and recorded just for me!

10 Mathematical Truths Parenthood Has Taught Me – Not really math. More like pseudo-math. Or meta-math. Or some other prefix-math.

Math Fail – Goofy things to keep your spirits up

Vi Hart – a super sweet young lady who does really fun videos about all kinds of math stuff!


Do you know of a site that should be included? Let me know. If a site adds value to the readers of I’ll happily add it!

One Response to Resources

  1. Good morning! I have to take 50 credit hours of math and you are listed in the TEA as a professional site. What are some of your courses you offer and how much per course?

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