The bee-bot programmable robot teaches logic, the basics of programming and how a computer “thinks.” Continue Reading →
The bee-bot programmable robot teaches logic, the basics of programming and how a computer “thinks.” Continue Reading →
Does your kid back-talk? Maybe they’re just displaying formal logic skills? Continue Reading →
The push for reading with “Drop Everything And Read” leaves out a big chunk of a child’s normal education – the active stuff of logic and reasoning! Continue Reading →
Is math a language? Or merely a shorthand? And can you use it to scold your children? Continue Reading →
Is using logic to cheat, really cheating? Well, depends… Continue Reading →
I tried to create a logic puzzle as a groovy way to announce this. Alas, I totally need help! Will you try my puzzle and make a suggestion? Continue Reading →
A counterexample is a special kind of example that disproves a statement. They are everywhere – and that’s the best part about teaching them! Continue Reading →