Want to get your homeschool teenager to do probability? Try heading to the bead shop first. This video shows probability in action with a beautiful end result. Continue Reading →
Want to get your homeschool teenager to do probability? Try heading to the bead shop first. This video shows probability in action with a beautiful end result. Continue Reading →
The co-host of #HSMath, Beth McKeon of Bright Brain Studio, shares some tips on integrating kinesthetic techniques and a see-say-feel approach to learning math facts. Alas, she’s still working on the Scratch-n-Sniff version… Continue Reading →
Another place to see geometry in action – Vlasic has segmented pickles (like cylinders) into ovals (like ellipses)! Continue Reading →
MathFour is the guest this Thursday on Create Chatter TV. In the spirit of promotion I’ve written this 50-Word-Friday article. Continue Reading →
I saw two bright women have an entertaining conversation about math. And the one with a strong math background didn’t even recognize it! Continue Reading →
This is one of my favorite (and first) math “tutoring” stories. It has a great ending, for me. The biggest fraction of the pizza came my way! Continue Reading →
Mom of 6 and 9 year old daughters, Jennifer Wilson is a high school super-tech math teacher. Here she shares her thoughts on math in parenting. Continue Reading →
Cuisenaire Rods can be used for all sorts of things – including teaching some Pythagorean Theorem goodies using right triangles and squares! Continue Reading →
The first in the Brainetics review series. Disc #1 was lots of fun. I’m looking forward to #3. (I’ve skipped #2 because I’m impatient!) Continue Reading →
Want your children to learn math facts but can’t stand flashcards? Try out the iPhone/iPad app MultiAlien for FREE this weekend! Continue Reading →